Soledad Hiciano

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    SH Soledad Hiciano, Secretary, Amber Charter School

    Ms. Soledad Hiciano has served on the Board in different capacities since the school’s founding in 2000.  Ms. Hiciano has served as the Executive Director of La Asociación Comunal de Dominicanos Progresistas (ACDP) or Community Association of Progressive Dominicans since 2006, a highly respected community organization serving thousands of families in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx. ACDP is the first Dominican-led community based organization in Washington Heights, and has been providing services to the families of Washington Heights for over 25 years.


    Ms. Hiciano has been and still is a very active parent advocate in the field of education. She led the President’s Council of District Six in 1997, was a key member of the ACDP-sponsored team that founded PS 210/Twenty-first Century Academy for Community Leadership in 1997, and played a key role in the founding of Amber Charter School.  She holds a Bachelor of Science from Mercy College. She is the mother of three daughters and a resident of Washington Heights.