Promotion Policy

  • Promotion Policy Guidelines

    The following criteria will be taken into consideration regarding promotional decisions.  

    Report Card

    A student must score an average of a level 3 or higher in all of the core subjects combined, namely, Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies, by the third trimester to be promoted.

    If this criterion is not met, the following criteria will be taken into consideration regarding promotional decisions.

    Terra Nova Assessment

    A student must score on the Reading or Math Terra Nova Assessment at .8 of their present grade in the Grade Equivalent Score to be promoted.

    Students with an IEP

    Student must meet the promotional criteria as outlined in their IEP. Absent such criteria, school administration will take into consideration other academic and social/emotional factors to determine whether to promote a student.

    English Language Learners

    The student is deemed ready to succeed in the next grade with ESL support services.


    Attendance and Tardiness

    Having more than TEN unexcused absences negatively contributes to a decision to promote a child. Note, three unexcused tardies equal one absence.

    All final decisions regarding promotion will be determined by the Principal.

    Revised June 10, 2015.