Lindsay Long
Lindsay Long, Trustee
Lindsay Long is an Associate Vice President, Global Philanthropy at Faircom New York, and comes with expertise in fundraising, branding, and development. She has more than a decade of experience in research, fundraising, and communications. She leads teams in development audits, integrated strategic planning, prospect research, and personalized strategies to advance donor relationships for nonprofit partners across various sectors and geographies. Ms. Long also develops and executes training for nonprofit boards and staff as a trusted presenter on best practices, trends, and learnings in philanthropy. She is a volunteer with Grand Street Settlement, a social service organization focused on supporting families in the Lower East Side neighborhood of New York City. She is a voracious reader and traveler, which could mean exploring new corners of the city or hopping a plane to a faraway place. She finds great satisfaction in finding ways to bring those experiences to life through kitchen experimentation, always best when shared!